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Oct. 21, 2023

Living With an Extremely Rare Condition That Makes People Allergic to Your Presence

Living With an Extremely Rare Condition That Makes People Allergic to Your Presence

Living With an Extremely Rare Condition That Makes People Allergic to Your Presence

Imagine emitting a gas from your body that makes other people severely allergic to you. They get watery eyes, coughing fits and become desperately itchy when you're near them. This isn't a fictional scenario – it's Miguel's daily reality.

Miguel suffers from an extremely rare condition called PATM (People Allergic to Me). On this week's episode of The Medical Maze podcast, Miguel shares his unbelievable story of what it's like living with PATM.

Developing PATM Out of the Blue

Miguel first started experiencing PATM symptoms at age 12. He noticed people actively avoiding sitting near him in class and overhearing complaints of a bad smell, even though he maintained good hygiene.

Within a few years, Miguel realized these reactions seemed triggered specifically by his presence. After googling his symptoms, he found a forum of others suffering from the same mysterious condition.

The Social and Emotional Toll of PATM

As you can imagine, having people become severely allergic and repulsed whenever you're around wreaks havoc on your social and dating life. Miguel has endured hurtful discrimination and insults over the years.

On top of the external stigma, PATM takes a massive emotional toll. Miguel describes experiencing severe depression and isolation. Many others with PATM feel so hopeless they contemplate suicide.

"It's like we're losing the war here...We try everything and nothing works." – Miguel

Seeking Recognition and Treatment

The sad truth is that effective PATM treatments remain elusive. Miguel has unsuccessfully tried various medications, supplements, and dietary changes over the years. He explains that PATM research is severely underfunded.

While a small Japanese study identified unusually high levels of certain chemicals in PATM patients, the underlying cause is still unknown. Miguel emphasizes the need for PATM to gain legitimacy with an official diagnosis and more scientific inquiry.

"I'm like a walking tear gas grenade...I'm affecting people, then I'm like a weapon." – Miguel

Miguel remains determined to spread awareness of PATM and urges fellow sufferers to connect online for support. He hopes his interview will inspire more research into uncovering the source of PATM and potential treatments.

Download more information about PATM HERE

Watch Miguel's Episode: HERE

#PATM #MedicalMysteries #RareDiseases #Allergies #PodcastHighlights