Oct. 22, 2023

I Emit Chemicals That Make People Sick?! | Bizarre Condition Causes Severe Allergic Reactions

I Emit Chemicals That Make People Sick?! | Bizarre Condition Causes Severe Allergic Reactions

Miguel shares his struggle with an extremely rare condition that causes him to emit chemicals from his skin that trigger severe allergic reactions in others. He describes living with this little-known syndrome called PATM (People Allergic to Me) that makes social situations unbearable.

Miguel reveals how he found out he had PATM in his teens and the debilitating physical and emotional toll it's taken. With no known cure, Miguel hopes to spread awareness and urges more research be done to help people suffering from this socially isolating condition.

Hashtags: #PATM #allergies #rareconditions #allergicreactions #chemicalallergies #allergyawareness #skindisorder