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Nov. 13, 2023

What is Inclusion Body Myositis?

🎥 Learn about Inclusion Body Myositis! 👀🧠 Discover how rogue proteins, tangled tau fibers, and amyloid plaque invade muscle cells in this informative video. #InclusionBodyMyositis #MuscleInflammation #HealthAwareness #Myositis #RogueProteins #TangledTauFibers #AmyloidPlaque #MedicalKnowledge

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Nov. 11, 2023

The Truth Behind IBM Defying the Odds and Living Life to the Fullest

The Truth Behind IBM: Defying the Odds and Living Life to the Fullest #medical #medicalpodcast #disease #raredisease #medicaldiagnosis #womenpodcast #rare #IBM

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Nov. 8, 2023

The Hidden Challenges of Diagnosing IBM- Inclusion Body Myositis

The Hidden Challenges of Diagnosing IBM -Inclusion Body Myositis #raremusclewastingdisease #inclusionbodymyositis #IBM #positivity #inspiration #disability #mobility

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Nov. 4, 2023

Living with a Rare Muscle Wasting Disease - Inclusion Body Myositis

Hear Jim Mathews share his personal perspective on inclusion body myositis (IBM), a rare muscle wasting disease. He explains common misdiagnoses like ALS, details on IBM's gradual effects, information on clinical trials and latest research, how exercise temporarily improves strength, and more. Throughout the interview, Jim maintains an incredibly positive…

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Nov. 3, 2023

Doctors Tell Me My Condition Isn't Real

Doctors Tell Me My Condition Isn't Real #medicalcondition #PATM #undiagnosed #medicalpodcast #raredisorder

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Nov. 1, 2023

People Cough and Choke Around Me

People Cough and Choke Around Me Because of My Smell. #PATM #allergic #medicalpodcast #diagnosis #condition #raredisease

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Oct. 30, 2023

I'm Like a Walking Tear Gas Grenade

I'm Like a Walking Tear Gas Grenade #teargas #badsmell #odor #PATM #medical #condition #medicalpodcast #podcast

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Oct. 27, 2023

Living With an Unseen Undiagnosed Medical Condition

Living With an Unseen Undiagnosed Medical Condition. #PATM #medicalcondition #raredisease #MedicalPodcast #medical #allergies

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Oct. 24, 2023

My Smell Makes People Scratch and Cough

My Smell Makes People Scratch and Cough #PATM #medical #medicalmaze #podcast #raredisease #rarecondition #smell #medicalpodcast

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Oct. 22, 2023

I Emit Chemicals That Make People Sick?! | Bizarre Condition Causes Severe Allergic Reactions PATM

Miguel shares his struggle with an extremely rare condition that causes him to emit chemicals from his skin that trigger severe allergic reactions in others. He describes living with this little-known syndrome called PATM (People Allergic to Me) that makes social situations unbearable. Miguel reveals how he found out he…

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Oct. 6, 2023

What is FAP Syndrome

What is FAP Syndrome? #cancer #stomachcancer #medicalpodcast #raredisease #diagnosis #fapsyndrome

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Oct. 2, 2023

All of My Organs Will Get Cancer Unless..

All of My Organs Will Get Cancer Unless.. #cancer #podcast #medicalpodcast #raredisease #fap #sickness

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Sept. 30, 2023

I Had My Stomach Removed at 26 Due to Rare Cancer - My Incredible Survival Story with FAP

Rosa M. Rodriguez shares her incredible story of surviving stomach cancer and living without a stomach since age 26. Rosa was diagnosed with the rare genetic disease FAP (Familial Adenomatous Polyposis) at age 12, requiring surgery to remove her colon. By 26, Rosa developed aggressive stomach cancer, forcing total stomach…

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Sept. 26, 2023

Live Psychic Readings!

Join us on September 26th at 6:30 PM EST for an enchanting episode of "Storytime with Ellie" that promises to leave you spellbound! Tune in via Facebook Live as we welcome a live Psychic as our special guest. Prepare to have your mind opened to the mystical realm of intuition…

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Sept. 24, 2023

Caring For An Autistic Child Is a Full Time Job

Caring For an Autistic Child Is a Full Time Job #autism #asd #autismparent #autismdad #medicalpodcast #podcast

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Sept. 22, 2023

Our Son's Autism Keeps Us Isolated

Our Son's Autism Keeps Us Isolated #isolated #autism #severeautism #autistic #medicalPodcast #autismdad

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Sept. 20, 2023

My Autistic Son's Vocabulary

My Autistic Sons Vocabulary #autism #autismspeaks #autistic #podcast #nonverbal #autismdad

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Sept. 14, 2023

My Son's Rare Autism | A Parent's Raw Journey Through the Silent Struggle

We uncover the heartbreaking and isolating reality of parenting a child with severe autism and developmental delays. Hear the raw truth from Phil, father to an 11 year old nonverbal son, as he shares their painful story of violence, judgment and a "1 in a million" neurological case. This episode…

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Sept. 8, 2023

Sarcoidosis Symptoms

Sarcoidosis Symptoms #sarcoidosis #symptoms #medicalpodcast #medical #raredisease #podcast

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Sept. 5, 2023

What is Sarcoidosis?

What is Sarcoidosis? #raredisease #rare #sarcoidosis #autoimmune #medicalpodcast

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Aug. 31, 2023

When Your Own Body Turns Against You: A Sarcoidosis Story

Sarcoidosis is a mysterious condition that can strike any organ in the body. It causes tiny inflammatory granulomas that wreak havoc. Terri describes the confusing, relentless symptoms that plagued her for years before finally getting a sarcoidosis diagnosis. Listen as Terri shares her story of dealing with this “snowflake disease,”…

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Aug. 30, 2023

Living Donor Requirements

Living Donor Requirements #livingdonor #mollysmatch #PSC #liver #liverdonor #livertransplant #medicalpodcast

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Aug. 26, 2023

Postop Care After Donating an Organ

Postop Care After Donating an Organ #postop #organdonation #organdonor #organ #transplant #mollysmatch

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Aug. 23, 2023

Hoping for a Living Liver Donor

Hoping for a Living Liver Donor #liverdonor #livingdonor #livertransplant #hope #transplant #medicalpodcast

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